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Archive for December 12th, 2008’s Underrated albums poll…my thruppence!

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December is a double edged sword for those who write about the music world. On the one hand you have a glittering array of high profile gigs, numerous self congratulatory parties involving free drinks and freer talk…yet on the other hand you are asked to concoct endless ‘Best of’ lists, rating and compartmentalising the outgoing year for ease of future reference if, and when, highly advanced alien conquerors wish to know if Coldplays album was indeed stolen from Mr Satriani and if so was it any good?

Whilst the impending financial implosion has put paid to some of the dirth of actual news during the festive period as the Jurassic ‘majors’ march out their big guns next attempt at a magnum opus at…well gunpoint it would see, in some CaptainoftheTitanic style doomed attempt at making those 4th quarter targets, it was still blessed relief to receive an email from those innovative and elixir smothered persona at The free and devilishly legal music site We7 represents a huge signpost as to the future of music consumption, and they are currently compiling a poll of the most underrated albums. To which end I have been asked to add my tuppence, which leads me to the following 2 works of godlike genius. We’ve all seen High Fidelity where Jack black earnestly assures his poor, heathen customer that ‘it’s going to be OK’ after the shocking revelation that he doesn’t own ‘Blonde On Blonde’, well my friends, read on, and it’s going to be OK!
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